Owning a Consigment Store and the NextGen Women’s Consignment Pricing System

Owning a consignment store is a big undertaking, and you can only do it alone for a while.  Then you realize that you need a day off the floor every now and then to work on entering and pricing, but how?

So, you hire someone to run the register one day a week and you try and play catch up on the pricing and entering while they run the store.  No matter how hard you work, chances are that you won’t get it all done.  Not good!

Here is a much better solution.  Get the NextGen Women’s Consignment System and spend a few hours teaching your new helper how to price.  She will feel empowered and trusted and you will be able to share the job of pricing.

No matter how large your staff gets, your pricing will always be consistent which is critical to your success and your peace of mind.  This shows your shoppers that you know your business and so does your staff.

At the end of the day, it’s really all about pricing and pricing it right!

Brenda Stark